Sunday, July 22, 2012

West Nile Returns to Stamford

We go through this now annually since the early 1990's.
First it is the dead birds, then Mosquito's , then Humans.
West Nile virus is here to stay and because we had a very mild winter and early, warm Spring.
The virus is present in the mosquitoes that bite humans a month or so early.
Limit activities in the early morning and early to late evening.
Wear long sleeves
Put on insect repellent.
If you have a party outside in the evening, put fans out - mosquitoes have a hard time navigating in wind.
Eliminate any standing water that you can.  Mosquitoes do not travel very far.
If the water can not be eliminated, us BT dunks.
This bacteria is effective against mosquito larva only, so very safe and effective!
Be safe!

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