Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am a big proponent of sharing information, we learn things.
During the recent study performed by many people on their own and shared with us at the Health department, I learned much.
Some was about the pesticides and I have shared about that, but also about other things.
One report on radon in water was elevated without the air being elevated.
That was contrary to my previous observations.
The well was not near the home so the material emitting the radon gas was not going into the home.  The level was high in only the water meaning that other radio-nucleotides may be present.
We know that in our area, radon is very sporadic, a had home 500,000 picocurries/L in the water (there was one, found because the radon in air was very high also).  The neighboring homes had low levels.
Something to be diligent with.

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